Meet Trish
Mommy & Owner
Trish is a loving and adventurous mother who enjoys watching her children's passion for nature evolve and flourish. She manages all the business operations including her little ones when they want to help or have questions. Some of her favorite things to do are travel and rollerblade.

Meet Brianna
First born daughter (by 2 min), Leader of the Pack, & Business Helper
Brianna is in the gifted program and is very creative. She loves everything about nature from plants to bugs and enjoys helping mommy with the website content by adding her spin to the business from a kids perspective.
Meet Brett
Trish's only son, Brianna's Twin Brother, Braelynn's Bubba, & Business Helper
Brett has a gentle soul who sincerely wants the best for everyone and our planet. He loves to help keep track of inventory, shipping, cashflow, and building/maintaining our green houses. He does very well in his academics and is working towards his black belt in TaeKwonDo.

Meet Brynlee
Trish's middle Daughter, Nature Lover, and all around Business Helper.
Brynlee has the ability to light up any room she walks into with her positive and fun energy. She has no problem making friends and loves to read, sing, and dance. When it comes to germinating the seeds, transferring plants, and watering Brynlee is the biggest helper. She created Bs Tabebuia Trees slogan, "Dream loud with plants!" It means putting thoughts and dreams of growing plants into action.
Meet Braelynn
Trish's youngest daughter, Loving Little Sister, Wild Child, and BIG Business Helper
Braelynn is everyone's little munchkin. She is sassy, smart, loves to cuddle, and is inspired by everything her older siblings do. Don't let her cuteness overload fool you, because she will wreck havoc in a heartbeat! Braelynn helps at every opportunity but she mostly enjoys admiring the yellow Tabebuia flowers. Just recently she inherited the job of labeling seed envelopes with Trish's Tabebuia Seeds stickers. If you happen to receive an envelope with a crooked sticker, it's a "LIMITED EDITION"!!